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I have been trying to figure out #30 what is related but I have not determined what it is. I have put diffrent anwswers but it always says wrong?
Tags:   related  
Pamela Ketchum - POLK (pamela.ketchum@polk-fl.net) - 11/14/2013 1:51:33 PM

question #30 Related elements will not take any answers
Tags:   related  
Marshall Williams - GADSDEN (williamsma@gcpsmail.com) - 3/31/2014 1:05:47 PM

Question regarding scenario #42. A students ingested 2 ecstasy pills and required medical transport to the hospital and treatment by paramedics. However, under the Related Elements, Injury level - Less Serious was not a consideration. In scenario #37 where an attempted rape occurred, the explanation of Injury level - Less Serious included the explanation that "Less Serious" seems to fit this incident: "Bodily injury which requires immediate first aid or subsequent medical attention". Does this only apply to sexual harassment/attempted rape, or should all students who need medical attention as the result of a SESIR incident be coded under one of the Injury Level options?
Tags:   related  drug  
Laura Luter - PASCO (lluter@pasco.k12.fl.us) - 8/1/2014 12:23:40 PM

School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting
Office of Safe Schools
325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
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