Welcome to the School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting (SESIR) training site!
Forum Question
I took the sesir training about ten years ago. Now I am trying to do the refresher course. Imade an ...
I took the sesir training about ten years ago. Now I am trying to do the refresher course. Imade an account but I am not getting a "refresher " option. What should I do?
Marilyn Sheffield - POLK (marilyn.sheffield@polk-fl.net) - 8/12/2014 12:07:02 PM


This version of SESIR.org was released in 2012 and does not have the records of those that completed training using the prior version. You will have to re-take the training in order to get a certificate.

Julie Collins - Safe Schools - Statewide user (julie.collins@fldoe.org) - 8/15/2014 1:44:24 PM


Where do you take the annual refresher course?
Jose Enriquez - DADE (156333@dadeschools.net) - 10/15/2024 8:21:49 AM

School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting
Office of Safe Schools
325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
Does your school or district need SESIR posters?  Contact our office to request them: SESIR@fldoe.org