Welcome to the School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting (SESIR) training site!

What are we supposed to select in the question showing the list of incidents reported to Law Enforcement. Don't understand what the question is asking and it related to the previous scenario?
Dr Ingrid Perez-Sanz - DADE (177971@dadeschools.net) - 11/7/2019 2:25:24 PM

How do I log into the system to report an incident?
Christine Aurelio - ALACHUA (msaurelio@emschool.org) - 10/24/2019 9:07:49 AM

for scenario # 36 In the investigation, one of the two male students (Waters) admits to bringing marijuana to school and sharing it with the other student (Carrington). During the investigation, a search of Waters' locker resulted in the discovery of six nickel baggies of marijuana. Does it require consultation with the Law enforcement? I choose drug sale and drug use with the type of drug still come up as incorrect. Please help
Mariouse Jean-Louis - PALM BEACH (mariouse.jean-louis@palmbeachschools.org) - 9/20/2019 9:38:45 AM

I am having problems with Question #21. Any suggestions? I have tried every single answer and none of them are correct.
Latricia Karlskin - ORANGE (latricia.karlskin@ocps.net) - 8/8/2019 6:46:19 PM

i have tried every answer in question #42 and can not get it. help
Chrisette Rios - ORANGE (chrisette85@yahoo.com) - 8/7/2019 10:31:11 PM

Scenario 30- Related elements- everything I click on comes up incorrect. I believe the correct answers should be gang related, injury related more serious and weapon related one non firearm. But I can select any of them. Can someone help me?
Christina Fillipucci - DUVAL (fillipuccic@duvalschools.org) - 7/1/2019 11:41:08 AM

For scenario #5 when selecting Weapon Related one non-firearm I keep getting an incorrect message.
The screen after that one is the one that lets me select Knife as an option but I'm stuck and it's not letting me proceed.

Thank you!
Tags:   weapon  
Patricia Garcia - DADE (pgarcia@bridgeprepvillagegreen.com) - 6/28/2019 3:49:44 PM

Are there best practices related to policy for SESIR Reporting?
Rick Parfitt - LEE (richardapa@leeschools.net) - 6/27/2019 11:49:47 AM

I took the sesir training about ten years ago. Now I am trying to do the refresher course. Imade an account but I am not getting a "refresher " option. What should I do?
Marilyn Sheffield - POLK (marilyn.sheffield@polk-fl.net) - 8/12/2014 12:07:02 PM

Question regarding scenario #42. A students ingested 2 ecstasy pills and required medical transport to the hospital and treatment by paramedics. However, under the Related Elements, Injury level - Less Serious was not a consideration. In scenario #37 where an attempted rape occurred, the explanation of Injury level - Less Serious included the explanation that "Less Serious" seems to fit this incident: "Bodily injury which requires immediate first aid or subsequent medical attention". Does this only apply to sexual harassment/attempted rape, or should all students who need medical attention as the result of a SESIR incident be coded under one of the Injury Level options?
Tags:   related  drug  
Laura Luter - PASCO (lluter@pasco.k12.fl.us) - 8/1/2014 12:23:40 PM

School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting
Office of Safe Schools
325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
Does your school or district need SESIR posters?  Contact our office to request them: SESIR@fldoe.org